The Iwo Jima Association of America of Quantico, Va., and
the Iwo Jima Commemorative Committee of San Diego, Calif., are joining together
Feb. 15-19 at Camp Pendleton, Calif., to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of
the Battle of Iwo Jima.
Both organizations
have met separately in February for many years to remember one of the bloodiest
and most brutal campaigns in the most costly war in history. For 36 days, more
than 70,000 United States Marines and sailors, aided by tens of thousands of airmen
in the air and sailors at sea, fought tooth and nail, inch by inch against
22,000 Japanese defenders led by LtGen Tadamichi Kuribayashi.
The battle for the
island was critical because of its location between the U.S. airbase in the
Mariana Islands and the Japanese mainland. The radar that warned the mainland
of pending U.S. air raids needed to be disabled so the bombers could fly
undetected all the way to Japan, and any U.S. planes damaged in the raids would
have a place to land on the return flight of nearly 1,500 miles rather than
being lost at sea.
Nearly 6,000 Marines
gave their lives of the total 6,821 Americans killed on the island of 8 square
miles of volcanic soil 650 miles from Tokyo. Another 19,000 Americans were
wounded, and nearly all of the 22,000 Japanese died in the battle. Twenty-seven
Medals of Honor were awarded on Iwo Jima, 22 of them to Marines of the Third,
Fourth and Fifth Marine Divisions, which was more than a quarter of the MOHs
awarded to Marines during World War II.
So the spirit of those
who fought so gallantly for the principles of our nation and to preserve
democracy and free those oppressed by tyranny won’t be forgotten, these two
groups are committed to perpetuating that spirit and ensuring that future
generations remember the battle long after the last Iwo Jima veteran is gone.
The Iwo Jima Memorial
Service begins at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 18 at Camp Pendleton on the westerly side of
the Pacific View Events Center near where Laura Dietz, founder of Iwo Jima
Monument West, is leading the initiative to erect a Marine Corps War Memorial much
like the Joe Rosenthal photo of the iconic flag raising on Mount Suribachi that
sculptor Felix de Weldon used as a model for the memorial at Arlington National
Cemetery in Virginia.
A wreath will be laid at
the current Iwo Jima Memorial in Camp Pendleton that overlooks the Pacific
Ocean. The program will close with a 21-gun salute and Taps for the men who died
on Iwo Jima.
After the ceremony, a World War II memorabilia display will be open in the rear of the banquet hall. At 5:30 p.m. there will be a concert by the First Marine Division Band, followed by a call to order, the Presentation of Colors and a program that will include an invocation, welcome remarks and a keynote speech by distinguished guests, the Empty Chair Tribute, an Iwo Jima flag-raising tableau, closing remarks and dinner.
Prior to the Memorial
Service, IJAA ( will
host a symposium at the Grand Pacific Palisades Hotel in Carlsbad that will
include several distinguished speakers who will address the historical events
leading up to WWII and Iwo Jima, the actual battle and the aftermath to current
times. Also expected at the symposium will be the Joe Rosenthal Chapter of the
USMC Combat Correspondents Association. After the ceremony, a World War II memorabilia display will be open in the rear of the banquet hall. At 5:30 p.m. there will be a concert by the First Marine Division Band, followed by a call to order, the Presentation of Colors and a program that will include an invocation, welcome remarks and a keynote speech by distinguished guests, the Empty Chair Tribute, an Iwo Jima flag-raising tableau, closing remarks and dinner.
Rosenthal’s photo is
arguably the most reproduced photo in history and is a recognized symbol of Iwo
Jima and the Marine Corps. In addition to bringing the history and significance
of the photo to younger generations and teaching them about the Marines, Iwo
Jima and the sacrifices of WWII veterans, the group has begun a petition drive
in hopes of having a U.S. Navy warship named after Rosenthal. Members of the
public can sign the petition online at
Both IJAA and the IJCC
will tour Camp Pendleton on Thursday and visit the Stu Segall Strategic
Operations Studio on Friday and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. Lunch
at a base mess hall will be included each day.
Additionally, Military
Historical Tours ( of
Woodbridge, Va., will host a trip to Guam March 20-27 and on to Iwo Jima for
the annual Reunion of Honor that is held in conjunction with a delegation from Japan
that includes Yoshitaka Shindo, the grandson of Gen Kuribayshi.
Funds are currently
being raised to send seven Iwo Jima veterans on the annual “Reunion of Honor” tour
in March. Two have been financed to date. Tax-deductible contributions of any
amount may be sent to “IJAA,” P.O. Box 680, Quantico, VA 22134.